This one I thought was cute, too. It's entitled "How was your cereal this morning?"
Lion Cask
JoinedPosts by Lion Cask
Can't help myself! Have to share this pic! LOL!!!!
by coffee_black inthis is bailey 2 1/2 (the big sister) and zoey who is almost 4 months old, my youngest granddaughters.
is zoey sending a secret message?
look closely!
Can you recommend some movies/videos?
by OnTheWayOut inan ex-jw meetup group i attended just watchted worlds apart together and the host wants to do this type of thing more often.. i would love to see religulous, but the group would be divided on such a movie.. i suggested the documentary, jesus camp and september dawn.. do you have any suggestions i can pass along?.
Lion Cask
"Marjoe." It is an exposé on the evangelical movement in the US that won the Oscar for best documentary in 1972.
Another is "Jonestown: The Life and Death of People's Temple." This one goes to understanding cult mentality, documentary produced in 2006.
God as Imaginary Friend
by Lion Cask init has been postulated that belief in god is very much the same as a common childish belief in an imaginary friend.
richard dawkins devoted a few pages to the theme in his book, the god delusion.
his basic premise is that the gods worshipped by humankind, all 1600 or so of them, evolved from imagination to fill a gap in the psyche which leaving empty is just too frightening.
Lion Cask
I keep a well stocked bar.
As do I, Gladiator. Just posted a pic on another thread.
The Truth Will Set You Free ? NOT !
by Hairyhegoat ini have to post this but remember the book study went a long time ago.
it's still good comments though.. .
after all, they are free from the false religions of christendom they are told, free from holidays of all types, free from their non-jw relatives, free from anything and everything that does not involve working for the watchtower society!
God as Imaginary Friend
by Lion Cask init has been postulated that belief in god is very much the same as a common childish belief in an imaginary friend.
richard dawkins devoted a few pages to the theme in his book, the god delusion.
his basic premise is that the gods worshipped by humankind, all 1600 or so of them, evolved from imagination to fill a gap in the psyche which leaving empty is just too frightening.
Lion Cask
It has been postulated that belief in God is very much the same as a common childish belief in an imaginary friend. Richard Dawkins devoted a few pages to the theme in his book, The God Delusion. His basic premise is that the gods worshipped by humankind, all 1600 or so of them, evolved from imagination to fill a gap in the psyche which leaving empty is just too frightening. It is consoling, he posits, to be able to believe that one has someone, however invisible and intangible, who is loving and loyal and will always be your friend. He quotes Milne to good effect, in particular the words attributed to the 6-year-old Christopher Robin:
Binker - what I call him - is a secret of my own,
And Binker is the reason why I never feel alone.
Playing in the nursery, sitting on the stair,
Whatever I am busy at, Binker will be there.
Oh, Daddy is clever, he's a clever sort of man,
And Mummy is the best since the world began,
And Nanny is Nanny, and I call her Nan
But they can't See Binker.
Binker's always talking, 'cos I'm teaching him to speak
He sometimes likes to do it in a funny sort of squeak,
And he sometimes likes to do it in a hoodling sort of roar .. .
And I have to do it for him 'cos his throat is rather sore.
Oh, Daddy is clever, he's a clever sort of man,
And Mummy knows all that anybody can,
And Nanny is Nanny, and I call her Nan
But they don't Know Binker.
Binker's brave as lions when we're running in the park;
Binker's brave as tigers when we're lying in the dark;
Binker's brave as elephants. He never, never cries . . .
Except (like other people) when the soap gets in his eyes.
Oh, Daddy is Daddy, he's a Daddy sort of man,
And Mummy is as Mummy as anybody can,
And Nanny is Nanny, and I call her Nan .. .
But they're not Like Binker.
Binker isn't greedy, but he does like things to eat,
So I have to say to people when they're giving me a sweet,
'Oh, Binker wants a chocolate, so could you give me two?'
And then I eat it for him, 'cos his teeth are rather new.
Well, I'm very fond of Daddy, but he hasn't time to play,
And I'm very fond of Mummy, but she sometimes goes away,
And I'm often cross with Nanny when she wants to brush my hair . ..
But Binker's always Binker, and is certain to be there.
A. A. MILNE, Now We Are Six
I'm a very happy witness of Jehovah
by ELPIRO ini kinda figured i would read many negative things concerning jw, i was not disapointed............ i say if you ae not happy not just in the jw, but anywhere, life it too short move on.. .
i myself am a wittness, an anointed witnes .
there is no shame is sharing yr hope and i am varry happy with mine.
Lion Cask
Thanks Lion Cast - but this time I was aiming for the bullshit!
In which case you hit another bullseye, Gladiator. I just wonder why there are so many others who've glommed onto this thread who don't see it, too.
Atheism, the absence of someone to pray to.
by cyberjesus ini was talking several days ago with a believer who was telling me what an atheist is.
i personally do not have any gods, therefore i consider myself an atheist.
however this person was telling me that an atheist says there is no god.
Lion Cask
But most atheists "KNOW" that IPU and the current monotheists' God will not show up.
Don't agree with you, OTWO. I know you are familiar with Dawkins' scale:
1 Strong theist. 100 per cent probability of God. In the words of C. G. Jung, 'I do not believe, I know.'
2 Very high probability but short of 100 per cent. De facto theist. 'I cannot know for certain, but I strongly believe in God and live my life on the assumption that he is there.'
3 Higher than 50 per cent but not very high. Technically agnostic but leaning towards theism. 'I am very uncertain, but I am inclined to believe in God.'
4 Exactly 50 per cent. Completely impartial agnostic. 'God's existence and non-existence are exactly equiprobable.'
5 Lower than 50 per cent but not very low. Technically agnostic but leaning towards atheism. 'I don't know whether God exists but I'm inclined to be sceptical.'
6 Very low probability, but short of zero. De facto atheist. 'I cannot know for certain but I think God is very improbable, and I live my life on the assumption that he is not there.'
7 Strong atheist. 'I know there is no God, with the same conviction as Jung "knows" there is one.'
And, as the esteemed Mr. Dawkins (who is considered to be one of the worlds foremost atheists, particularly by himself) says, "I'd be surprised to meet many people in category 7, but I include it for symmetry with category 1, which is well populated ... I count myself in category 6, but leaning towards 7- I am agnostic only to the extent that I am agnostic about fairies at the bottom of the garden. "
I'm a very happy witness of Jehovah
by ELPIRO ini kinda figured i would read many negative things concerning jw, i was not disapointed............ i say if you ae not happy not just in the jw, but anywhere, life it too short move on.. .
i myself am a wittness, an anointed witnes .
there is no shame is sharing yr hope and i am varry happy with mine.
The Truth Will Set You Free ? NOT !
by Hairyhegoat ini have to post this but remember the book study went a long time ago.
it's still good comments though.. .
after all, they are free from the false religions of christendom they are told, free from holidays of all types, free from their non-jw relatives, free from anything and everything that does not involve working for the watchtower society!
Lion Cask
Hey, foodalls, they let you out on an afternoon pass?
The Truth Will Set You Free ? NOT !
by Hairyhegoat ini have to post this but remember the book study went a long time ago.
it's still good comments though.. .
after all, they are free from the false religions of christendom they are told, free from holidays of all types, free from their non-jw relatives, free from anything and everything that does not involve working for the watchtower society!
Lion Cask
Insightful, eloquent and accurate. An absolutely great post, HHG (except for your last paragraph, which almost spoiled it).